We share pricing in unrivaled detail. You determine the level of specificity. With true pricing, you’re empowered to make informed decisions.
Have you ever had that level of transparency?
We think not!
Would you hire an architect to build your house? Or would you rely on a builder for increased efficiency? So then why do retailers and brands source fixture programs through a design agency?
We’ve upended an industry that traditionally hides behind invisible, bloated pricing. We excel at producing high volume programs at the lowest possible cost. No compromise to specification, structural integrity or quality.
to Achieve Measurable Efficiencies
for Your Program Success
our Depth of Industry Expertise
to Services You Don’t Use
We critically deconstruct every aspect of a fixture to rigorously streamline each engineering, manufacturing and delivery detail, eliminating unnecessary expense.
Our proprietary project management tools are tailored to your specific needs. We inform, educate and reassure with the information necessary to make solid decisions.
Ask us to show you examples relevant to your business.
Sourcing means: raw material procurement, production and labor alternatives
Let us introduce China Express! The solution for receiving shipments in under 8 weeks! Is it right for your program?
China Express is ideal for long-term, repeatable programs with advanced scheduling. Or for new projects with minimal upfront tooling requirements. It’s not a fit for ad hoc programs. Let’s talk.
The Balkans Region is not burdened by USA Tariff penalties. Shipping costs can be lower and Lean Pie employs in-market specialists to maintain quality and schedules.
A blended solution of local, near-shore and far-shore supply, designed to hit critical deadlines and minimize overall cost is available.
Coming soon – LeanPie is in the final throws of onboarding a new region that could provide even lower costs if your program is not that time sensitive. Shipping time is approximately 14 days longer than China. Therefore, on-going programs with pipeline visibility could benefit from this lower cost sourcing option.
We offer fixed annual pricing to simplify order management and to provide budgeting and cost certainty.
Note: If commodities move significantly, we do reserve the right to adjust pricing – but that’s rare. And if this results in cost-savings, we pass those along as well.
Exceeding volume expectations?
Enjoy the cost benefits that we’ll share right back with you.
© LeanPie 2025